
  1. Create a pask package called a with files in it:

    mkdir pkga
    cd pkga
    mkdir -p pask/tasks
    cat > pask/tasks/mytask << MYTASK
    echo compile task A
    chmod a+x pask/tasks/mytask
    mkdir files
    touch files/a
    tar cJf ../a-1.0.tar.xz $(ls -1A)
    cd ..
  2. Do the same thing to create a package called b:

    mkdir pkgb
    cd pkgb
    mkdir -p pask/tasks
    cat > pask/tasks/mytask << MYTASK
    echo compile task B
    chmod a+x pask/tasks/mytask
    mkdir files
    touch files/b
    tar cJf ../b-1.3.tar.xz $(ls -1A)
    cd ..
  3. Write out a pask/spec.yml file relative to the root of your project:

      - name: a
        version: 1.0
        location: file://<path-to-where-a-was-made>/a-1.0.tar.xz
      - name: b
        version: 1.3
        location: file://<path-to-where-b-was-made>/b-1.3.tar.xz

    Pask also accepts HTTP and HTTPS URLs.

  4. Have pask install the contents of the packages:

    pask install
    find .
  5. Run pask run mytask:

    pask run mytask